Photography Tip : Simplicity

This is one in a series of 'Photo Tip' articles that attempts to provide some basic instruction in the artistic side of photography. Most of these articles could collectively fall under the heading 'photographic composition'.

Simplicity is often regarded as the most important of all photographic skills. The key to achieving simplicity is to remove all unnecessary distractions from an image through positioning yourself to take the photograph from the best angle, and positioning the subject in the most effective area of the shot (see Photo Tip: Subject placement).

Backgrounds should be exactly that - an uncomplicated background to your shot, not a subject of interest in itself; and any foreground object should be sufficiently out-of-focus so as not to cause a distraction or block the subject in any way. Remember to use depth of field (see Tech Tip: Depth of field) to draw attention to your subject.

The ultimate key to simplicity it to tell just one story. Ensure the subject is obvious and, if necessary, concentrate on the most important aspect of a subject if this focuses your viewers attention whilst still getting your message or intention across.